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Dr. Li Deng, Chief AI officer of Citadel, will share his tech journey in Speech AI and Finance AI. Dr. Li Deng joined Citadel, one of the most successful investment firms in the world, as its Chief AI officer in May 2017. Previously, he was Chief Scientist of AI and partner research manager at Microsoft. He has also been an Affiliate Professor at the University of Washington, Seattle (since 2000). He is a fellow of the IEEE, the Acoustical Society of America, and the ISCA, as well as a Fellow of the National Academy of Engineering of Canada, and a member of the Academy of Sciences of Washington State. In recognition of the pioneering work on disrupting speech recognition industry using large-scale deep learning, he received the 2015 IEEE SPS Technical Achievement Award “for Outstanding Contributions to Automatic Speech Recognition and Deep Learning.” More recently, he received the 2019 IEEE SPS Industry Leader Award “for leadership in pioneering research and development on large-scale deep learning that disrupted worldwide speech recognition industry and for leadership in natural language processing and finance engineering.

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